Research and writing
Peter can offer:
Co-design and support in community-based, participatory and academic research/writing
Partnering community, non-profits and other organisations in research – either community-based, participatory, action-learning, and orthodox
Supporting organisations in research processes that see their work enter the world of world-class journals
Examples of recent work in this space includes:
Working on an action research project with Jabiru Community, Youth & Children Services around their School-Aged-Care services.
Partnering Nundah Community Enterprise Cooperative in action research, resulting in the following Tier 1 journal;
Action research in partnership with Tasmanian Neighbourhood House Network, and Yeppoon based Sea/Landcare organisations around the possibilities of popular education for social and community change;
Action research with Sahakarmi Samaj NGO in Nepal, on their popular education approach to community and social development, 2018-2020
Action research partnership with The Proteus Initiative, South Africa, on their developmental and phenomenological approach to social change (in Brazil, New Zealand, South Africa), 2015-current.