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A mid-year reflection

Rachael and I have just returned from Alice Springs/Mparntwe having enjoyed holding space and facilitating a 3-day community development and reflective practice workshop held at the delightful Campfire in the Heart contemplative community. What a pleasure to sit in circle as 16 people learned about living social process as we created a learning community ourselves. And to also enjoy labyrinth walks, fire-side conversations and full-moon walks. Reach out if you know a group of people or an organisation that would love a deep dive into this material (take note, we imagined 3-days would be plenty of time, but everyone would have loved 5!).

I then stayed on and facilitated a one-day with the Central Land Council community development team, and am grateful for that invitation.

Here's some other good news. In partnership with the Nepalese NGO Sahakarmi Samaj, Rachael and I will be supporting 10 Australian's in a one-week field visit in March 2025. What an opportunity to observe and learn from their practice and reflect on what it means for us. Rachael and I will stay for some weeks as we also have a book to write about their Facilitating Empowerment & Social Transformation approach (FEST). We're also deep into co-writing, with Community Praxis Co-op members and Nundah Co-op folk, our Journal of Community Building (yes, people, a 52 week, self guided learning book on community building and development). And thanks to Practical Action Press for both of those book contracts.

I should also mention that my podcast has had some fabulous conversations. Check out the latest:

My next few months includes a number of on-going projects, but also keynotes at the:

  • Tasmania Neighbourhood House conference in September

  • UK/Wales 8th Community Psychology Festival in October

  • South Australian Community Centres Conference in November.

But, what I really want to share is how much I am enjoying the [southern] winter months, a time in the natural cycle of life to be more contemplative, slow down a little and consider the polarity of dwelling-in-place (loving a home) and adventure. I'm living with some big questions, such as how do I honour all of myself, my often felt-to-be divided selves, that are actually a whole? How do I reach into eldership as I start to move closer to my 60s while ensuring youthful renewal each decade? How do I bring awareness to remaining in a field of trust and intuition rather than a field of fear and worry?

What are the big questions for you at this mid-year time?



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